Your guide to an evolving energy landscape

- Electric Vehicle Strategy and Development
- Policy Leadership
- Fleet Electrification

Community Support
- Grant Writing Stewardship
- Education and Training
- Creative financing solutions: on bill financing
- Community Engagement, Stakeholder Engagement & Coalition Building

Engineering and Design
- Engineering design and support for EV infrastructure
- Grid Modernization and integration


About Us
Our mission is to improve people’s quality of life by creating resilient communities through reliable, intelligent and adaptable power systems.
We believe in doing work that accelerates resilient energy solutions that save people money, and improve our health and quality of life.
We believe in beneficial electrification that doesn’t leave people behind.
We believe in bringing resources to underinvested communities: rural communities, tribes, and highly impacted communities.
We believe in empowering communities by spreading our deep expertise in technology, fundraising and deployment.
Our expert support drives common sense solutions to navigate the energy transition.